How to integrate after a coaching session


How to get help for your mental health.

How to integrate after a coaching session

NLP coaching sessions are designed to allow you to communicate with your unconscious mind and reveal hidden thoughts, beliefs, emotions and memories. These arise during a session in order to be felt, seen, understood and healed.

But the work doesn’t end with the session.

It is vitally important to allow your nervous system to integrate what you have experienced during your session.

In order to integrate, your nervous system needs to feel safe

Your nervous system’s job is to KEEP YOU SAFE and your body/mind may do this by attempting to return to your default thoughts, beliefs and emotions. To continue to integrate the work we’ve done during the session, you must give your nervous system new ways to experience safety. Here are some tools for developing a sense of safety after your session:

Journal process:

  • Connect with your inner child: If anxious thoughts arise, get them out of your head and onto paper. Focus on giving the fearful inner child a voice and allowing it to feel the way it feels with no judgement

  • Connect with your wise adult: Imagine giving the anxious inner child what it needs in order to trust again. Write down what you imagine your wise, healthy adult self giving to your inner child - a hug, encouragement, kindness, acceptance, understanding


  • Coaching sessions can move a lot of stuck energy and emotion, so allow yourself to feel tired and rest. Drink plenty of water, try to stay understimulated rather than over stimulated and take a nap if you need to!

  • Give your nervous system time to integrate before launching into anything new or expecting more of yourself!

Vision process:

  • If you’re feeling energised after a session, use that energy to write down what you want to create, what it will look like, feel like, taste like and smell like. Build detailed imagination around what you are calling in and practice feeling it in your body

Listen to the guided audio:

  • Use this guided audio to practice wiring a new state of being into your nervous system. This works in the same way as an athlete visualising and feeling into the state of winning a sprint or football game. Remember that the unconscious mind requires repetition in order to change its stored beliefs, memories, emotions, thoughts and habits. Use the guided audio regularly to reinforce the changes you want

Working with your unconscious mind on a daily basis allows you to recognise, befriend and integrate all aspects of yourself - leading to an increasing sense of wholeness and authenticity.

Use these tools to get the most out of each coaching session.

Any questions? Feel free to get in touch here.

Geordie x



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