Transform your unconscious blocks and triggers to create real and lasting change

Instant access to transformative guided meditations

10 minute guided meditation

Transform Your Triggers

Find yourself regularly experiencing overwhelming emotions that are affecting your life? These triggers can show up as rage, anxiety, chronic frustration and resentment, lethargy, avoidance and addictive habits, leading to behaviours that block you from experiencing satisfaction and safety within your relationships and beyond.

This guided meditation will help you to identify the core memories and emotions associated with your biggest triggers and reprogram them at an unconscious level.

Ready to do the deep work of creating transformation? Get instant access to your audio guided meditation here.

Working with Geordie was such an incredible experience! She helped me unravel the ball of wool in my head to see what stories I could work on and gave me some incredibly useful tools to help reprogram those unhelpful patterns. I always felt safe to speak my truth and came away from each session feeling grounded, inspired and clear on how to best move forward.
— KYLIE (Coaching client)