Calming The Chaos eBook is now available to download!


Calming the Chaos: Practical Self-Regulation Tools for Thriving Relationships

Through working with clients and consciously creating a deeply fulfilling relationship with my husband, I know there’s one common denominator of healthy relationships: SELF REGULATION.

We all know people with great self-regulation skills. While no one’s perfect, people with good self regulation skills are often calm under pressure, able to set boundaries kindly (and stick to them!) and enjoy high quality relationships with family and friends.

It’s possible some people are born with these skills, but more likely they learned them through growing up in emotionally secure environments with caregivers who modelled self-regulation themselves. And let’s be clear: this is rare.

Most of us, while loved and supported by parents who did their very best, did not grow up witnessing consistent self-regulation and emotional maturity. Because of this, self-regulation is a tool we have to consciously learn if we want to transform or uplevel our own relationships.

 Signs you need to learn self regulation skills

·      Uncontrollable moods that often derail your day

·      Becoming easily frustrated by small inconveniences

·      Impulsive or addictive behaviour

·      Trouble with emotions interfering with how you pursue your goals and achieve desires

·      Persistent irritability

·      Verbal outbursts

·      Feeling numb and disconnected from yourself and others

·      Feeling unable to express your emotions at all

·      Trouble maintaining relationships or friendships

·      Any emotion that feels so overpowering it interferes with your behaviour in an uncontrollable way


In Calming the Chaos, I outline why self-regulation is such a magical and life-changing skill, along with:


·      Explaining the role your unconscious mind plays in self-regulation

·      Teaching you how to communicate with your unconscious mind and integrate it into your awareness

·      Develop practical self-regulation skills, ranging from simple daily habits to deep journaling processes

·      Give you a plan for developing your own self-regulation toolkit and implementing it in your daily routine

·      Teaching you how to transform triggers into gold

·      Showing you how to talk to your partner in a non-blaming, effective way

·      Taking you through an exercise for developing your own powerful vision for your relationships and so much more!


If you’re ready to experience satisfying, healthy relationships, download Calming The Chaos now for instant, practical strategies that have worked magic for myself and my clients.



Why learning self-regulation is the #1 tool for parents


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